Saturday, 11 May 2013

Omar Faruk Tekbilek

Hello to all my blog viewers! I'm very sorry for taking such a big break from updating this blog but I've had a lot to do. As I'm in the second year of my degree, I have a heavier workload. The university's also changed the timetable, so that I'm almost always busy with reading, coursework or revision until the summer holidays. I hope I can get back to my weekly blogging once my exams have finished though. 

Nevertheless, I know that it won't be any easier to update this blog when I'm in 3rd year, so I'd like to invite some people to write posts for this blog. If you're interested in becoming one of my co-bloggers, then contact me via the Twitter or Facebook page for this blog and tell me what you could offer World Music Weekly. As you know, I have no musical qualifications so there are no restrictions with regard to
your qualifications either.

In any case, I will now tell you about Tekbilek. I can't remember how I found out about him but I was fascinated by his music, so I put one of his albums in my Amazon basket.

Tekbilek comes from Adana, Turkey. He's from a very musical family. His uncle and his brother have been particularly instrumental in developing his musical career. He received music lessons from his uncle in return for helping out at his music store. This helped him to learn the rhythms of Turkish music, how to read scales, etc. He has learnt to play many instruments including the ney, zurna, baglama, the oud and percussion. Although his music has always been influenced by his folklore roots,  he has also experimented with Arabesque, Turkish and Western styles.

My favourite album by Tekbilek is Whirling but I also love his collaborations with other artists.

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